Tender No.
Name & address of Client
Kerala Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation (KINFRA) Sasthamangalam, Thiruvananthapuram
Name of Project
Additional Electrification Works for the Expansion of Chiller Plant of Animation Buildingin SEZ area (DrishyaBuilding)at KINFRA Film and Video Park, Kazhakuttam, Thiruvananthapuram
Place of work
Kinfra Film &Video Park (KFVP), Kazhakuttam, Thiruvananthapuram(SEZ area)
Scope of work
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 500KVA Diesel Generator set, 500KVA transformer and other allied works for Drishya Building, KFVP(SEZ area).
Probable amount of contract
Rs. 69,46,474/-
Type of tender
Percentage rate basis
Schedule of rates applicable
DSR 2014 (Electrical)
Completion Period
4 calendar months
Bid submission fee
Rs.5,000/- (5% VAT extra), Bid submission fee through online payment system at
Downloading of Tender Documents
Tender documents and tender schedule may be downloaded free of cost from the e-GP Website
Tender document issuing office
KINFRA, Kinfra House, TC No.31/2312, Sasthamangalam PO, Thiruvananthapuram
Last date of Receipt of Tender
Online submission till 05.08.2015, 5.00 pm
Date & Time of Technical Bid opening
Online opening on 11.08.2015 at 10.00 am.