
Currently no active RFI data available

Currently no active RFP available

KINFRA Spot light

Role of KINFRA

We are a statutory body formed by Kerala Government to develop, promote and maintain Industrial Infrastructure in the state and to attract industries and SMEs to set up successful units. KINFRA  has succeeded in it’s mandate and continue to progress.
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Global Ayurveda Village

KINFRA is setting up a Global Ayurveda Village  in Thiruvananthapuram. Global Ayurveda Village(GAV) project is a cross sectorial concept leveraging the interlinkages between Industries and health care. The GAV attempts to incorporate most modern scientific developments in diagnostic and all other treatment aspects with classical Ayurveda. The aim is to bench- mark the project with the Global Centers of traditional medicine and develops it as Integrated Centre of Excellence in Ayurveda to overcome the challenges of this system of medicine in the path of Global Recognition… Read more 

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  • Land needed for Industrial purpose

    Land needed for Industrial purpose

    KINFRA seeks land parcels NOT LESS THAN 500 acres including degraded plantations /areas with senile crops/ commercially unutilized areas that are suitable for industrial purposes anywhere in Kerala. Those interested to offer such large contiguous parcels of land may submit proposals.   Contact : 8714844470 Mail: /

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State Public Information Officer

Mr. Saju Sugathan
Asst. Manager (Legal)
Sasthamangalam , Trivandrum -695 010
T : 0471-2726585
F : 0471-2724773
E :
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Asst. Public Information Officer

Mr. Sajid KK
Junior Manager (Coordination)
Sasthamangalam , Trivandrum -695 010
T : 0471-2726585
F : 0471-2724773
E :
W :

KINFRA Growth Spots

Kerala Beckons you

secKerala is the land of opportunities, the state top in social indices, quality human resources, quality education and health framework, exposure towards global standards and also became one of the most industrial friendly state.  To further accelerate this, Kerala Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation - KINFRA continue to develop infrastructure to ensure the industrial growth of the state.

Kinfra Mega Projects Land Availability - KINFRA Parks at a Glance
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